What you are about to see may put you off your food ;-)
Anyone else up for the fluffy bunnies challenge?

My First Vlog!
A Grrr, a Haha and a Tip Top Top Tip
The You're Welcome Meme
Almost Wordless Wednesday - Gallery Cash
Brain Dump
Job Title:
7am to 7pm seven days a week (if you’re lucky). Occasional (frequent) nights. On-call every night.
[This section has deliberately been left blank].
You may be granted the odd night out if you can find a reliable babysitter that you trust implicitly, otherwise time off is not permitted.
Generally you are not permitted to be ill. Sickies can not be taken unless you have prior agreement from your partner that they will drive the night before and you can have a drink and a bit of a lie-in the following day.
Pyjamas may be worn, although if venturing out of the house try to change into any maternity clothes that still fit and pick sick off your shoulder. Brush hair weekly. What’s lipstick?
Skills required:
Cooking, cleaning, washing, bathing, tidying, chauffeuring, precision pushchair pushing, nappy changing, nail clipping, teeth cleaning, teething gel dispensing, administering Calpol, phoning NHS direct, replacing socks every five minutes, putting books back in bookcase as required (could be up to twenty times a day), cuddling, comforting, carrying, teddy finding, reading, doing funny voices, tidying, patience of a saint, stepping on lego without swearing, singing, dancing, tickling, puppetry, drawing, pulling faces, general entertaining, teaching and mind reading.
Spending time with the most amazing, incredible human beings imaginable, your children. Smiles, giggles, kisses and cuddles.
Job Description
Do You Have a Secret Ability?
We didn’t go on holidays when I was a child. Well, apart from one holiday in Cornwall that I vaguely remember. I must have been four. We stayed in a white beach house with pale blue window frames. We went with another family, friends of my parents. We played in the sand dunes and Uncle Ken lost his glasses in the sea.
After that I suppose we didn’t have the money for holidays. Also my Dad was a home-bird. So we went on day trips.
I recently found some of my old school books. I wrote a news story, when I was seven, that made me roar with laughter. The gist of it was that we had gone out in the car one weekend for a drive around Luton ‘to see all the changes’. This would have been my Dad’s idea. I feel sorry for my Mum and my seven year old self and my five year old brother. A drive around Luton. Holy Moly.
We did have enjoyable day trips though. We went to the seaside, to a different town each year, in either Norfolk, Suffolk or Essex. My brother and I saved up our pocket money for weeks. We loaded up the car for the two hour journey. I tried not to be sick in the car – with mixed results. We all peered through the windows attempting to be the first to see the sea.
We went on the beach, ate ice creams, chips and candy floss, played in the amusements, looked in all the souvenir shops and had a nice meal in a restaurant before the long drive home. My brother and I would fall asleep smiling.
I want my children to have happy memories of family holidays. Now, where’s that road atlas? I hear there’s a new bypass opening in Bolton…
I Need A Holiday
Stories and Songs Meme
The Spaghetti Incident
The Favourite Photo Meme
Make the Decision Now
Sexy Undies and Odd Socks
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Judith's Room
It's All Going On...
I Can't Cook!
The Baby Baby Baking Masterclass
The Toddler Food Graph
In With The New