I was invited to be an 'On the Go' Mum with Three. My initital reaction was 'I can't, I'm a technical dunce', but I guess that's my angle. I'm keen to learn how a smartphone can save me time.
Three's research found that mums could save 135 hours per year by making the most of their mobiles. I want 135 more hours per year! At the fantastic launch event we discussed ways to save time and money with mobile internet. In the two weeks that I've had a smartphone (with MiFi) I've been able to get online and reply to emails when out and about. I've used Google Maps for directions and Vouchercloud to get instant discounts. I'm loving the app store at the moment.
The time I've saved by being away from my laptop has so far been spent playing I'm afraid (I'm Sandy Calico on Words With Friends if you fancy a game), but I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon. There are some wonderful educational apps and I've let my boys play on my phone when I've needed a little time to make phone calls (using my other phone!). This has been a life-saver as I'm dealing with solicitors and estate agents in readiness for our second house move of the year. I can also keep an eye on Twitter and read blog posts when the boys are playing in the garden and I'm huddling in my white plastic garden chair trying to keep warm.
If you have any favourite apps, please let me know in the comments. We can share time-saving tips.
Also if you've got a great idea for app that would help you save time in your busy life, well, we may be able to do something about that! More on that at a later date.
In the meantime...
Are you Britain's busiest mum? You can find this brilliant competition on Three's Facebook Page
"We’re on a mission to reward Britain’s busiest mums with the precious gift of time.
We’ve got weekly prizes of BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 smartphones up for grabs, as well as a five star holiday to the Caribbean for one lucky winner and their family, including a make-over and photoshoot in OK! magazine
For your chance to win, tell us in 50 words or less why you, or a mum you know, should be crowned Britain’s Busiest Mum, and how a mobile makeover could help save you time.
We’ll also donate £1 to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity for every entry."
Good luck if you enter yourself, your mum or a friend.
Disclosure: Three paid my travel expenses to the launch event and have provided me with an iPhone4 on the One Plan with the all-you-can-eat data package, along with a MiFi, paid for until the end of the year. Oh yes, I also had lunch with Denise Van Outen:
That's Denise, on the right. She is such a friendly person and completely down to earth. We chatted about babies, parenting and the In the Night Garden iPad app that her daughter loves.
Here are someone else's gorgeous children being distracted by an iPad:
We also got taught how to ice cupcakes:
Disclosure: Three paid my travel expenses to the launch event and have provided me with an iPhone4 on the One Plan with the all-you-can-eat data package, along with a MiFi, paid for until the end of the year. Oh yes, I also had lunch with Denise Van Outen:
That's Denise, on the right. She is such a friendly person and completely down to earth. We chatted about babies, parenting and the In the Night Garden iPad app that her daughter loves.
Here are someone else's gorgeous children being distracted by an iPad:
We also got taught how to ice cupcakes:
I decorated these. No, really I did!