27 November 2009
Sick Note

25 November 2009
Take My Hand

Women’s Aid release charity single Take My Hand
On Wednesday 25th November 2009, national charity Women’s Aid is celebrating 35 years of working to end violence against women and children by releasing their first charity single, ‘Take My Hand’. The song has been written especially for the charity to help them raise vital funds to support abused women and children. The single, which is being released to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, is sung by 13 year old classical singer Olivia Aaron, with Natasha Benjamin, a real-life survivor of domestic violence. The song is based on the 2nd movement of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 8, ‘Sonata Pathétique’ and its lyrics are an expression of the emotions experienced by children and young people affected by domestic abuse.
Women’s Aid Chief Executive, Nicola Harwin CBE, said:
“Take My Hand has been written especially for Women’s Aid and reflects the words of families that have survived abuse. The song reflects hope for a future free from violence and we hope it will reach out to those affected by domestic violence as well as the wider public. We want to raise awareness of the support available and raise vital funds so that we can continue to provide these services.”
Domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women at some point in their lifetime and recent statistics from the Women’s Aid Annual Survey show that last year an estimated 18,000 women and 20,000 children lived in refuge accommodation in Women’s Aid’s national network of services.
The launch of Take My Hand on the 25th November marks the beginning of Women’s Aid’s activities to mark the ’16 days of Action’, where the charity will ask the public to help them take action against violence against women and children.
For more information on the ‘16 Days of Action’, go to www.womensaid.org.uk.
To buy Take My Hand for 79p, please go to www.womensaid.org.uk/takemyhand or straight to itunes.
Natasha's story:
‘I was only with my boyfriend for three weeks when he started to become verbally aggressive. The first time he got aggressive I thought I must have said something that upset him and he went mad. He started throwing things at the walls, even a wine glass that had red wine in it. As I left the room he continued to throw things after me and a glass plate just missed my face. The first time I did try to get help I was told to leave him, but it was not that easy. When it happened again I told no one, firstly from sheer embarrassment, and later from fear.
One night I woke up with his foot on my face and my boyfriend saying he was going to stamp on me. I had to sleep in contact lenses as it was a common occurrence for him to wake me up with demands or threats. I was so afraid of not being able to see when the assaults took place as I might not be able to get away.
I experienced a severe form of domestic violence that also included a range of abuse, from controlling where I was and what I did, to pulling my hair, to eventually strangulation. My daughter witnessed the abuse and we were both very frightened of what would happen. I was only with him for six months where he nearly killed me.
I stayed in a Women's Aid refuge which provided us with safety and which gave us the support we needed to rebuild our lives. I am singing on 'Take My Hand' to not only raise vital funds for Women's Aid but also to provide a message of hope to women and children currently living with violence in the home - thanks to support services provided by Women's Aid there is hope for a safe future free from fear.’
Thank you for reading.

Take My Hand
24 November 2009
What Do Your Shoes Say About You?

What Do Your Shoes Say About You?
23 November 2009
Review: Superlambanana

Review: Superlambanana
22 November 2009
I'm Cybermum (Apparently)!

I'm Cybermum (Apparently)!
20 November 2009
Shall We Have Another Baby?

Shall We Have Another Baby?
19 November 2009

All 12 of this year’s X Factor finalists have released a fantastic cover of Michael Jackson’s You Are Not Alone in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity.
Their website is http://www.gosh.org/x-factor/the-charity-single/ and there is a little video that goes with it that was shown on last weeks show http://www.gosh.org/x-factor/the-charity-single/the-story-so-far/oscar/.
Thousands of children just like Oscar, who really is an inspiration to us all, need the help of the amazing staff at GOSH and this single will help sick children from across the UK to get better.

18 November 2009
Rules for a Perfect Family Christmas

Rules for a Perfect Family Christmas
Wordless Wednesday - Children In Need

Wordless Wednesday - Children In Need
17 November 2009
A Tour of the Breastfeeding Unit

A Tour of the Breastfeeding Unit
16 November 2009
NSPCC - Letter From Santa
When the NSPCC asked if I would mention their Christmas fundraising campaign 'Letter from Santa', I was delighted to help out.
Please see the press release below. For a suggested donation of £5 to the NSPCC your child can get a personalised letter from Santa. How brilliant is that?
Santa Claus is coming to town! But before he does, he has a personalised letter for every child excitedly waiting for his annual visit.
The NSPCC’s Letter from Santa fundraising initiative gives parents, grandparents and anyone else the chance to nominate someone special to receive a magical letter from Santa for a suggested donation of £5. The letter is personalised with the child’s name and age and is sure to confirm that Santa will be making his usual stop in the child’s home town to wish everyone a merry Christmas. The letter is written in a hand script font and is beautifully illustrated on quality colourful paper. The envelope shows that it’s been safely delivered through ‘express Rudolph Mail’.
Fundraiser Binita Patel said: “Letter from Santa is a brilliant way to put an extra twinkle into Christmas this year and make a child feel extra special. The appeal also helps us to raise money to support children who are perhaps not as fortunate.“
“It is important to remember that Christmas is not a time of celebration for every child. Over the 12 days of festive cheer last year, ChildLine – a service provided by the NSPCC - counselled over 3,500 children who were in danger or distress and had nowhere else to turn. By supporting this appeal you will be helping to provide support, advice and protection for these children who are in desperate need of help.”
Also on offer is a Baby’s First Christmas letter from Santa, which is the perfect keepsake for newborns celebrating their first festive season.
To order a letter from Santa for a child you know, visit http://www.nspccwishes.org.uk/ or call 0845 839 9304. Alternatively look out for a Letter from Santa order postcard in your local Debenhams, SPAR, Thorntons or Bhs store.

NSPCC - Letter From Santa
13 November 2009
The Secrets of My Blogging Success!

The Secrets of My Blogging Success!
12 November 2009
Where Do Chips Come From?

Where Do Chips Come From?
11 November 2009
10 November 2009
Innocence Lost

Innocence Lost
8 November 2009
Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget
Review: simplehuman

Review: simplehuman
6 November 2009
A Minute for Madeleine

A Minute for Madeleine
5 November 2009
Toy Story

Toy Story
4 November 2009
The Next Face of Next?
This is a sponsored post.
The Next Generation Children’s Competition 2009 launched today on the Nextonline Facebook page. They are looking for pint-sized models who could be the new face of Next.
If you have a child who will be aged between 4 and 7 on 31st December 2009, that would like to take part, simply head on over to the Facebook page. All entry information is there.
The prizes are as follows:
- The chance to star in a photo shoot for Next Directory
- A childrenswear shoot for Red Magazine
- Representation by the renowned Urban Angels Modelling Agency
- A shopping spree at Next

The Next Face of Next?
2 November 2009
Child Development is NOT a Competition

Child Development is NOT a Competition