I made it to Blog Camp last Saturday in a haze of painkillers.
Did I learn anything? Well, my notes include the phrases quirky cats and social signals, so on first glance the answer appears to be no.
Luckily plenty of other bloggers have written about what was discussed at each workshop - all the links are on the Tots100 blog.
I went to the first Blog Camp in London last year. The theme was how to become a more professional blogger. There were sessions on building your brand, SEO and design. I came away feeling pleased I finally understood SEO, but have I done anything with that knowledge? No. I decided I was happy pootling along with Baby Baby. I kept it ticking over, but it wasn't really going anywhere. That was fine, my free time is limited.
I initially got a ticket to Blog Camp Birmingham so I could catch up with my friends. There are too many to name here (and to be honest I can't be bothered to add in all the links). If we chatted or hugged or smiled at each other thinking I'm sure I know that face, then insert your name here - you know who you are. The atmosphere was relaxed and informal and there were plenty of coffee breaks.
What I have taken away this time is a renewed enthusiasm for blogging. I am inspired, not only by the sessions (although they were excellent for the most part), but by the discussions in between.
I have already tried snarking and found that I love it. I hammered away at my keyboard earlier this week ranting about The Voice. I expect I'll do it again. After all, The Apprentice is on tonight... As a snark target I do think it's too easy though. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm certainly going to get off the fence and not be afraid to voice my opinions.
I have so many ideas buzzing around (in the gaps in my brain that the co-codamol can't reach). I don't have time to implement all of them now, but they'll keep.
The best bit? Blog Camp was free and you had to look very hard to see a sponsor...