What do you mean it doesn't look all that?
This is what it was like before:
So I'd say it's a definite improvement! We've been preparing the ground for our vegetable patch, but can't plant anything until the spring.
The boys have decided we're going to grow potatoes, carrots, runner beans, sweetcorn and cabbages.
The squirrel has decided we're growing oak trees. Git.
Even though my hands, arms, legs and back are aching from the final push this weekend, I'm really glad we took part in the Bosch Garden Makeover. It gave us the motivation we needed to think about how we wanted our garden to look and what we wanted from it. I wrote this post about the start of our journey.
Cash, three, is particularly excited that we now have our own blueberry bush. He asks every day whether they're ready yet. It's going to be a long eight months before he can try any!
Our garden isn't huge (thank goodness)! The front garden has one border, here it is before:
Here it is after a good tidy up and the addition of some winter pansy seedlings:
I love getting the garden ready for winter. I enjoy pruning, even though I have no idea what I'm doing. There's something quite satisfying about cutting everything back.
We were grateful to Bosch for providing us with some cordless hedgecutters. We have more hedge than we know what to do with, but at least we can keep it tidy. Here it is before:
The hedgecutters are a dream to use. Here it is after:
The most visible transformation has been the rockery. Here it is before:
Thanks to Best4Plants.co.uk it is now much better stocked and there's a new clematis on the trellis:
The best thing is the splash of colour that I can now see from my kitchen window.
The service from Best4Plants.co.uk was superb. The staff are knowledgeable and helpful and the delivery arrived on time. The plants were well packaged. We're still waiting for our new fruit trees and rose bushes as these are not available until November, so you'll have to wait to see those.
We also had a free lawn treatment from lawn specialists Greenthumb.co.uk. This is the lawn several weeks after the weed-killing and grass-feeding treatments:
It looks patchy, but this is perfectly normal. Edited to add: When GreenThumb saw these photographs they sent someone round to check our lawn to make sure it was as expected (and it was), this was wonderful service.
You can see from this close up that there are no weeds and I fully expect the grass to come back better than ever:
The boys in particular have loved being outside more. We let them dig in the bare vegetable patch and pour water in the hole. I was jealous that I couldn't join them!
I got the pleasure of the laundry!
Huge thanks to Bosch for organising this makeover competition and providing us with the hedgecutters. Thanks to Coblands for letting me go on a £100 spending spree on Best4Plants.co.uk. Thanks also to Greenthumb.co.uk for the free lawn treatment and advice.
There are a few other bloggers taking part in the Bosch Garden Makeover and there will be a poll to chose the winning makeover - details to follow. The winner will receive tickets to RHS Chelsea and a day with Helen Yemm, gardening expert at the Telegraph.
Now, where's my hand cream?!
The poll: