
10 January 2012

Reasons to Love Living in Milton Keynes #5

Milton Keynes is a new city. It was carefully planned.

My next-door neighbour moved to our village in the 1960's, when - quite literally - Milton Keynes was all fields. She loves telling the tale of the time a bull showed up in her garden and the police thought she had been on the gin.

She is a bit of a hoarder and recently gave me the information pack she received from the Milton Keynes Development Corporation in 1972.

You know what? They succeeded.

Milton Keynes is beautifully laid out. The grid system of roads and roundabouts means the traffic flows easily. Navigation is straightforward and alongside every road are trees. There are thousands of trees to obscure the new housing estates. There are woods and parks and lakes and canals and hedgerows. There are 270km of redways, safe paths that crisscross the city for walkers and cyclists.

The detailed plans in the information pack were accompanied by an artist's impression.

This must have frightened the life out of the existing residents!

Can you spot David Blaine in the ice block? How prophetic.

Thank goodness the giant Dalek is just a figment of someone's fevered imagination. It's a shame about the slide though...



  1. That slide would be great! i like Milton Keynes, we've been to the snowdome a few times.

  2. Ha ha! Great illustrations but I agree if I'd been living in your village then I'd have been terrified of what was to come!

  3. Hi, I looovve your blog! It's totally Amazeballs, So I have given you a "Versatile Blogger Award" on my blog
    Thank you!! Mummy & Bambino x

  4. Emma, I would love a go on the slide!

    Photopuddle, it does look pretty terrifying!

    The Pursuit of Happyness, thank you for the award :) x

  5. Milton Keynes is a wonderful place, but it's been taken over by the Illuminati, who are turning it into a rather sinister testing ground for the occult, wild animals and other weird stuff.
