
18 July 2011

In The Night Garden... LIVE!

We were lucky enough to win tickets to see In the Night Garden... LIVE at Woburn Abbey.

My boys are three and two and rarely watch ITNG these days, but they were dancing around with excitement on Saturday.

As each character appeared on stage my children leapt up, waving and shouting "good morning, Iggle Piggle!", "good morning, Makka Pakka!"...  you get the picture. I loved hearing the parents singing along too.

The show is very well done. It uses a mixture of live action, puppetry and projected images. Derek Jacobi narrates the action and the show is a live version of an episode of the programme.

What a fantastic introduction to the world of theatre. We all had an amazing time. Andy and I spent more time watching our boys' faces than watching the show. I'll let you in to a little secret now, I spent the first ten minutes crying. Seeing the joy on their faces, their eyes wide with excitement, was a treat.

One little quibble, we bought the boys a helium balloon each, shaped like the Pinky Ponk, guess how much... £8 EACH. £8. EACH. Shocking.

Was it worth going though? Of course it was. It was a magical experience.



  1. It is expensive I agree but if your children get a lot of pleasure from it then it is worth it (just about!) great photos. We haven't seen the Ninky Nonk show yet,only the Pinky Ponk but will be on weds. Yes, glutton for punishment :)

  2. Sounds fantastic! It really is magical taking children to the theatre. Great photos too - glad you had fun, despite the £8 balloons - heck

  3. Wow! We very very nearly bought tickets (I love to watch ITNG with Elfie whilst we're winding down for bed) but at around £30 a pop I decided it wasn't really worth it as she's only just 1. Hopefully it will come back to Woburn next year when she will really know what's going on!!

  4. Ah I will have to try and take my little ones this year, especially my 2 year old will go nuts for it. Those balloons are an absolute rip off! That's the only downside of theatre trips - those 'extras' that cost an arm and a leg.

  5. sounds great - I will have to see if I can take my little one - she would love it!

  6. My little boy doesn't really watch ITNG anymore either but I do think he would love this. As would I. It is a bit pricey but it is things like this that you will always remember doing with your kids. Think I will pass on the £8 balloons though..

  7. I have just bought tickets to take my disabled son to see this, I am not sure how he shall react cause of his autism but I hope he shall enjoy, I think the whole thing is a little expensive tbh x
