
9 May 2011


I think I may need to add a new stripe to my parenting badge of honour.

I was trying to entertain my children in the GP's waiting room the other day. They had been playing nicely with their sticker books and I felt smug and rather proud. Well, you know what they say about pride, don't you? That's right.

Here comes the fall.

Presley, 3, POINTED to a large young man (think Roland from Grange Hill, aged about 18) and uttered these mortifying words in a loud, clear voice, with perfect diction:


I mouthed a 'sorry' and grimaced at the poor lad as he pulled his collar up over his red face. I told Presley that we don't talk about people like that. The boys then abandoned their sticker books in order to climb all over the seats and shout a lot.

By this point it was too late to tut loudly and pretend they weren't my children.

Oh. The. Shame.



  1. Hahahahahaha! Gotta love little people! When mine was about the same age (also at the doctor's office) he became "very" concerned about the boo-boo on a young woman's leg. It was a tattoo. She didn't seem to appreciate his concern.

  2. Lol, Mini's just as bad, and they seem to relish when you're trying to tell them to shut it by upping the ante, (or when you're trying to act like they aren't yours). Mini once asked me why a man had long hair (he was a rasta), asking if he was a girl or a lady boy (God knows where she got that from). She knew full well what dreadlocks were as we have a very good friend with them who has stayed over at our house. Little madam!

  3. I swear children have a little switch that turns on when it is a perfect time to embarrass you! They seem to be able to do it on cue xx

  4. Thank you for sharing my shame!! :-)

  5. Oh no, poor you. I know I have all this to come as my daughter does talk loudly about people. So far she's actually been rather complimentary about people but I know that mortifying moment can't be far away!

  6. Found you through Real Parenting and enjoyed this post. I can't wait to the stage where my boys (16mths a part) are talking about strangers - NOT! I'm your newest follower and am looking forward to reading more.


  7. Ah we can all rely on our kids to embarrass us in public. That's what they're there for. My eldest's finest moments include openly pointing and shouting about people's size, shape and hairstyles. What can we do? Only get them back by being total nightmares when we're elderly. I look forward to ageing very disgracefully indeed ;-)

  8. Haha, I'm sure that must be a parent's rite of passage - I try not to think about it! Sounds like yiu handled it well especially as you couldn't just run off :)

  9. funny :-)

    I was in a supermarket check-out once and I told my then approx. 4 year old daughter that we needed to hurry because "Mummy needs a pee". And she says in a very loud voice (how come the voice is always loud, never husky, in these situations?)
    "Do you need a POO as well, Mummy?"

  10. Photo puddle, I'm sure you won't have long to wait! ;-)

    Nicole, thanks for stopping by, just enjoyed a nose around your blog - good stuff! A 16 month ages gap, it's hard work, but they will play together :-)

    Babes, YES! I plan on being a cantankerous old person. With a stick! :-)

    Make do mum, how I wish we could have run away! :-)

    Mummy, I love the sound of your 4 year old. You'll have to remind her when she's 14 :-)
