
14 May 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Baby Baby...

Baby Baby is one today!

Where has the last year gone? It has certainly been a busy and eventful year.

I want to start this post by saying a huge thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to anyone who has read, followed, commented on or linked to my blog. It is because of your support that Baby Baby does so well in the Tots100 index of UK parent bloggers.

I have made many wonderful online friends through blogging, far too many to mention by name. I have even met bloggers in real life through British Mummy Bloggers events (and I can confirm that they each only have the one head!) and I'm looking forward to meeting many more soon at Cybermummy.

I have started writing for pleasure, both on and off the blog. Thank you Jenn, Josie and Tim for encouraging and inspiring me.


I have enjoyed the odd freebie, none more exciting than the edible ones:

Not only are Chippidydoodaas are the best named snack in the world ever, they are also made from baked pitta bread and are DELICIOUS!

Thank you too to The Gourmet Chocolate Pizza Company for sending me this box of gorgeousness in readiness for the World Cup:

I think there will be a few of us World Cup Widows about in a month's time, so what better way to cheer ourselves up than by ordering chocolate online!


The cherry on my blogging cake has been The MAD blog awards, sponsored by Butlins. I was happy enough just to be nominated, but was over the moon to hear that Baby Baby is a finalist in the Most Inspirational Blog category, sponsored by Plum Baby. I don't expect to win, after all I'm up against some wonderful blogs:

If you haven't voted yet, there is still time. The are 50 finalists, so plenty of wonderful blogs to explore before you vote.


Above all I blog because I enjoy it. I have limited time to spend on myself, but one year on I'm still as enthusiastic about blogging as when I started. Who knows what will happen in the next year?

Now, who wants a slice of birthday cake?



  1. Save cake for me please :D

    Happy 1st bloggy birthday x

  2. happy blog birthday! That cat cake is cool :)

  3. Many happy returns Baby Baby. And could you tell the PR that sent you the chocolate pizza that I am *very* influential in the world of cocoa-based confectionary!!

  4. Happy birthday, you have a thing for chocolate!

  5. Me please, well donr Sandy, Happy Blogiversary and heres to many more my bloggy twin. I can not wait until we eventually get to meet

  6. Happy Blog Birthday lovely lady! Can't believe that you've only been going a year too - or been 'at it' a year as I smirkingly said to Josie yesterday. Sincerely best of luck in the Mads - I see what a difference you make to people in the blogosphere and will be very happy to clutch at your ankles, making 'the face' as you head towards the rostrum on the night. xx

  7. Happy Blogoversary! You've come a long way, Baby, baby! Here's to many more years to come!

  8. Happy Bloggy Birthday to you, I love your blog Sandy it was one of the first blogs I read and it inspired me to start my own, I hope you have many more bloggy birthdays to come.xx

  9. Congratulations Sandy. The web is littered with abandoned blogs so getting a year under your belt is a fine achievement! :-)

  10. Happy birthday for yesterday baby!!!
    And congrats on the Mads awards, very well deserved!

  11. Happy bloggy birthday! That cake looks amazing! And the pizza cake...wish I'd thought of that!!! Congrats on your nomination! Good luck!

  12. your little one shares a birthday with my dad! may your little one have the same gentle, loving personality and love of learning my dad does! also, i would love a cyber slice of that chocolate pizza! yum! the bday cake is amazing - what a cute design.

  13. Happy Birthday to you x

    I just popped over to let you know that you are the winner of my giveaway, can you send me an e mail with your address and I'll get it sent to you.... It's huuuge, you'll love it x

  14. that pizza chocolate cake looks delicious!

  15. Happy Blog-versay!

    Incredible how things change in a year, isn't it!

  16. Nickie, a virtual slice is on its way! x

    Make Do Mum, it's Jessie Cat from Sing and Sign. Andy's Mum made it for Presley's first birthday :-)

    Sam, you know I'm still kicking myself that I didn't ask for any Green & Blacks that time!!

    Jane, who doesn't?!

    The Mad House, thank you bloggy twin. One day, one day...

  17. Peabee72, 'only a year', I know, it has flown by. Good luck to you too, I'll be more than happy to make 'the face' when you stand up x

    Deer Baby, yay! Thank you x

    Lorraine, thank you. I love your blog too, it just gets better and better x

    GeekyMummy, thank you :-)

    Dave, thank you, it does feel like quite an achievement! :-)

  18. Baby Genie, thank you, very kind of you to say x

    Laura, thank you - I'll need it! x

    Perfectly Imperfect, thank you. My mother in law made it (she's very good at cakes)!

    Magic Mummy, thank you and thanks for running such a fabulous competition! x

    Rock n Roll Mummy, it was, down to the very last crumb!

  19. Susie, thank you :-) x

    Muddling Along, thank you. It's quite amazing how much has happened in the last year! x
