
11 March 2010

The Mona Lisa Million

Would you like to own a piece of the Mona Lisa?

I was recently introduced to blogger and father of four, Dave, also known as Mister Good Guy, by the fabulous Tara from Sticky Fingers.

Dave has just set up a project to raise $1,000,000 for Haiti. I'll let him explain more:

This post marks the launch of a new project called the Mona Lisa Million.
Over the next six to nine months I’ll be auctioning off pre-defined sections of a million pixel image of the Mona Lisa – probably the most famous image in the world!
This is an ambitious project designed to raise over one million dollars, the majority of which I’ll donate to a very good cause.
It’s not just about raising the money though, it’s also about providing something of value to those who use this site as readers and as winning bidders. You see, I’m not simply asking for money – I’m providing something in return.
For winning bidders, I’m providing a place where people can see who you are and what you do, and I’m doing it in a way that helps the search engines connect you with your customers or your audience. And this applies to you whether you’re a mommy blogger looking to increase your readership or a business owner trying to get your website higher up the search results.
For readers, I’m providing a place where you can get involved in nominating good causes and deciding which ones should benefit. A place where you can connect with genuine sites/services/products.
For both winning bidders and readers, I’m providing a place where people with a social conscience can get involved and feel they’re contributing to something worthwhile. 

I'm proud to say that I own a section of the Mona Lisa, as do fellow Mummy Bloggers Tara and the lovely Not Supermum. I'm on the far left, level with the tip of her nose.

Dave is giving away a few sections to early adopters, but you'll need to be quick.  If you would like to join this project right from the start head on over to The Mona Lisa Million! Let's try to help Dave, a good guy, raise $1m.


  1. Sandy, I saw your tweet and just had to rush across to say thank you. Thank you! :-)
    What you've written is fabulous. I love the way you've done it too!
    Tara has been a great friend to me for probably two years now so I'm delighted you find me through Tara.
    Thanks again Sandy, I'm going to print this and frame it.

  2. Oh well done, very nice written and thanks for the compliment :-)

    You're right, Dave IS one of the good guys, I hope he does really well with this.

  3. Really interesting concept, I'll go over and find out more. Did you secretly want to end up on her famous smile?

  4. notSupermum: I just wanted to let you know I saw that (thank you!).
    angelsandurhingsblog: I sincerely hope that the famous smile goes to someone like Richard Branson and his lovely fat wallet. :)
    Why don't you pop across and grab a space yourself? You'd be very welcome!

  5. Dave, you're welcome. Let's hope the Mona Lisa Million really takes off :-)

    Not Supermum, thank you and you're welcome and me too!

    Angels & Urchins, that would be a bit weird! I'm happy being on the edge! :-)
