
30 March 2010

Mind The Gap!

I've decided I need some cards made, like this one:

Has anyone got a laminator I could borrow?


  1. I used to rant at people as they were parking on pavements, until my children refused to come out with me.

    What I found was that people who park on pavements are horrid and don't care if you rant at them. I never employed the scratch down the side solution; more's the pity.


  2. I need those for people who park so close to my car I have to climb in through the boot or passenger door ... not easy when heavily pregnant

  3. No, don't laminate them; that would make them far too easy to remove. Carry around a pritt-stick and glue them to the windscreen!

  4. God what a great idea! I think all mothers should be supplied with these when they buy a buggy!

  5. Oh yes, get them made. With an angry looking baby's face on them too! LOL!

  6. Yay! Not just me that sees red when people park on the pavement!!!

  7. Cars blocking the pavement are So Irritating! Life with a buggy is hard enough, isn't it?!

  8. Agree with Tim...only use super glue

  9. Get some freebies from Vistaprint...

  10. You are more than welcome to use mine. I used to park at the other end of the supermarket, as I needed to open both doors, as you will know.

  11. Funny! I could have done with that a few years ago!

  12. One of my absolute pet hates. That and people (grown-ups) who cycle on the pavement. GRRRR.

  13. I little post it style pad of these would be good!

  14. Don't get me started on people who cycle on pavements...

  15. Kim, perhaps they would care more if their car was scratched?!

    Muddling Along, I know, some people are totally thoughtless. I winder if there's some cctv footage of you clambering into your car, whilst heavily pregnant? ;-)

    The Dotterel, now we're talking! :-)

    Slim Lens, thank you :-)

    Hayley, yes, absolutely! :-)

  16. Hot Cross Mum, oh yes, an angry baby shaking a fist! :-)

    Photo Puddle, it's infuriating and downright dangerous. Grr!

    Rachel, it is, so true :-)

    Lorraine, that's a genius idea! :-)

    Nickie, great idea, this could really take off! :-)

  17. The Mad House, I do know. I've reported a group of lads for parking in the parent and child spaces. I hope they got a fine!

    Rosie, you could still put a few on parked cars, just for your own amusement!

    Liz, yes, me too. So dangerous.

    Baby Genie, I love the idea of post its!

    Glowstars, I'll have a grrr on your behalf!

  18. hee hee. i always think i would like some laminated cards with expletives to hold up at the window when i dn't like someone's driving! must be better than shouting it out with my boys in the back, oops!

  19. Henri, I know, me too. I'm waiting for the boffins to invent a screen that flashes up your thoughts when you're driving, e.g. 'you could indicate, you tosser'! ;-)
