
7 February 2010

Baby Baby has a Makeover

After a weekend of primping and preening, tweaking and titivating, fussing and faffing....

Cue fanfare...

Baby Baby has a new look.

I hope you like it.

Just by chance I saw a tweet from Karen at A Rubbish Diet saying that she was trying out the Pages option in Blogger. I have copied unashamedly!

Baby Baby now has pages!

You can find the 'edit pages' option on the Posting tab in Blogger.

I've still got a tiny bit of touching up to do, then it'll be finished.

I'm hoping there's nothing missing and what is there is in full working order.

Please let me know what you think.

Thank you.


  1. Very nice, love the header, and thanks for the tip about pages - I've been wanting to do that for ages but didn't know it was on Blogger.

  2. Blog looks fab hun and thanks for the pages tip, can't wait to start playing with it

  3. looks lovely.

    and OMG I cant believe how easy the edit pages option is! I spent literally hours the other night trying to get tabs like that at the top. It was almost 1am when I went to bed and still hadnt achieved it all. Writing posts, saving posts, copying down links, messing wtih HTML! So glad you have shared the power of knowledge with us.

  4. Looks fab! Another thing for the to do list I think...!

  5. I just found this out myself last night. Completely by chance there it was on on the tabs. But it's great, we are so easily pleased us bloggers LOL!

    Congrats on Tots 100 place, and with your new look sure to keep on rising! x

  6. LOVE the header! The whole makeover looks fab.

  7. Love the new look and the additional pages. I've been having a play around with mine since you pointed me in the right direction and, whilst it's a work in progress, I'm quite happy with the results so far.

  8. Looks great! Your blog loads quicker too now. I spotted a few people with pages on blogger and was wondering how they did it - thanks for the tip! Off for a tinker now.

  9. Love the new look. Excellent tip about pages! Didn't know that, thank you.

  10. Great new look! I'll have to mess about Blogger a little bit more too!

  11. IT looks amazing.

    Thanks for the earlier tip for easier formatting on blogger. I'm using it now and it is sooooo much better. In a quiet moment I might try the pages thing too! You are officially my blogger guru.

  12. Love the new look of the blog!

  13. I like!
    Thanks for the hint on pages, I was wondering how to do that. I also want to figure out how to reply to comments.

  14. Really love the new look! The header is fantastic, an the whole site works really well. I love the pages addition.

  15. Love it and I think we will all now be copying the pages thingy - have had pages envy for a long time now but too technically challenged to do anything about it - until now! Thank you and congrats!

  16. notSupermum, thank you. It amazes me that Blogger doesn't email and tell you when there are new features!

    New Mummy, thank you. Let us know when you've done yours.

    Snaffles Mummy, thank you. I know, it's easy when you know how!

    Plan B, thank you. Where would we be without to do lists?!

    It's a Mummy's Life, I wish Blogger wouldn't keep these features a secret! Thank you. I'm very pleased! x

  17. Ang, thank you :-)

    Baking Mad Mama, thank you :-)

    Nickie, thank you, yours looks good too. I still haven't finished, but ran out of steam!

    Emily, thank you. Thanks for letting me know the blog loads quicker, that is good news. I'll be over to have a look at your new pages soon :-)

    Heather, thank you and you're welcome. I can't understand why Blogger never announces these changes!

  18. Foodie Mummy, thank you. Pages were pretty easy to work out - thank goodness!

    Fraught Mummy, thank you. Glad you like the post editor. Always hapy to pass on tips, but guru? Hmm!

    Bronagh, thank you :-)

    Amy, thank you x

    Glowstars, thank you :-)

  19. Geeky Mummy, thank you. I know some bloggers have added comment systems like Intense Debate and Discus (sp?). You can reply to each comment individually this way. I personally don't like them when I'm leaving comments because I have to enter my details every time, whereas with Blogger you just type your comment and that's usually it.

    Michelloui, thank you very much :-)

    Hot Cross Mum, thank you. I had page envy too. I had no idea you could have them on Blogger until I saw Karen's tweet. I nearly defected to Wordpress!

    Make Do Mum, why, thank you :-)
