
29 December 2009

The Noughties

So the noughties are nearly at an end. It's time to reflect on a decade.

As you can see from the graph (once an accountant, always an accountant!) the noughties have been a decade of change for me.

It's interesting to me that now I've plotted love and career it would seem that they are mutually exclusive! I hadn't noticed that before.

In 2000 I turned 30, travelled to Australia and New Zealand (for my very late gap year) and got a tattoo.

When I got back I had an average boyfriend and a horrible job and then no job at all. In 2003 I finally got a lovely job.

In 2005 I went out with an awful man, but my career really took off. I was instrumental in the sale of my company, it was an exciting time.

In 2006 I met Andy and my career suddenly became less important, especially when I became pregnant. I now have no paid career, but a wonderful husband and two amazing children.

If you had asked me in 2000 where I wanted to be in 2009 I don't think I would have dared hope for what I have now.

So what about the next decade?

What will it be called? I've heard people say 'tenties', but I prefer 'teenies'. I suppose time will tell.

For me, I hope to enjoy being a wife and a mum and raise happy and healthy boys. All the rest is gravy!


  1. Wow I'm very impressed with this - I'm hopeless with graphs or anything like that. (I could probably manage a pie chart.)
    The noughties have been full of ups and downs for me also. Here's to the Roaring Teenies!

  2. What can I say, but yep career and children didnt go together for me either. I had a great job BC, but couldnt give it 100% once the minimads were born!!! I have quite enjoyed the noughties, what a ride!

  3. Very impressive graph! I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that I would argue that love and career can be combined and aren't mutually exclusive, but it's different for everyone, and you have to find what works for you. You never know what the next decade will bring, and you're right, family and love are the things that matter the most in life.

    I was wondering if it would be called the 'Tweenies' but then that brings to mind images of weird purple creatures with big boots and highly annoying voices...

  4. Almost mirror images (once a mathematician, always a mathematician!). How interesting. I may pinch your idea and do one for me, hope you don't mind.

    Hope there is more balance in your teenies!

  5. Love the graph! Sounds like you've had a busy 10 years too. I can't believe it's gone so fast feels like 1999 was a heartbeat ago. Here's to a wonderful next 10 years x

  6. Wow look at your last decade - how things have changed for you

    If that balance works for you then its perfect - for me its not quite the same but hopefully working too

    Neither of the monikers for the next decade really works for me ...

  7. Aww nice! So happy that the noughties have brought you so much happiness. Guess being open for the best is also very important.

  8. 'Tenties' sounds so strange! Actually they both do! Love the graph. We have sort of parallel lives only there were a lot more jackasses in my decade! We've both knocked out a couple of kids and got loved up in the same period. Looking forward to reading about your adventures in the next decade :-)

  9. Love the idea and the graph! Am sure the next decade will be good to you and your family x

  10. Illuminating to see your life as a graph! I suspect if you'd told me in 2000 that I'd have 3 kids I'd be very surprised: wouldn't have thought I'd be working for myself either!

  11. Liz (LWK), it took me a while to remember how Excel worked! I'm hoping for a smooth ride in the teenies!

    The Mad House, I wanted to get off the ride at some points during the last ten years, but I've enjoyed the end of the noughties.

    Platespinner, I was surprised by the outcome of my graph and I think really it is a coincidence that I haven't had love and a career scoring highly at the same time. No, no, no to the Tweenies *shudders*! :-)

    Working Mum, graph away! I've already drawn the next one, different subject though. Funny you should say that about balance, it's what I've been searching for all my life!

    Liz (VP), yes, the last ten years have flown by. Life begins for me in 2010 so I'm looking forward to another exciting decade! x

    Muddling Along Mummy, I know, I'm looking for some stability in the next decade! I don't know how working mums manage to leave the house in the morning. It's a major achievement for me to get us all up, fed, washed, dressed and out of the house by 10am!

    Chocolat a toi, that is so true. You have to be open and take happiness where you can! :-)

    Natalie, I didn't mention the jackasses I left behind when I went travelling! So I guess we are living parallel lives :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you too x

    b, thanks, wishing you and your family good health and happiness too x

    Antonia, it's amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. It's strange to look back ten years. I think I was a different person then!
