
9 December 2009

Do they know it's Christmas?


I'm not feeling very Christmassy.

Perhaps I should get the decorations down from the loft, write my Christmas cards and do my Christmas shopping.

I should do something Christmassy, but I've gone off chocolate and I hate sherry!

We've decided not to put up our Christmas tree this year. Presley and Cash are only just two and one. For a start they're too young to know what Christmas is. Also I can't face the inevitable decoration tugging/eating/hiding that's bound to take place on an hourly basis.

We decided to go to town and decorate the mantel piece, but it's already got a few randomly placed Christmas cards on it so I've lost enthusiasm for the idea.

I took the boys to their first Christmas party today. Thank you Lancashire County Council Libraries and Information Service for opening our small local library especially for the Bounce and Rhyme group today. We sang our usual songs and a few Christmas songs too, but a quick rendition of Jingle Bells does not a Christmassy Sandy make!

The librarians had arranged party games and food. All the children were given a teddy bear, Presley handed them out to all the babies, he was so sweet and gentle with them - why can't he always be like that with his brother?! Presley also won a badge for being second best at 'musical bumps'. He was winning 'pin the nose on the reindeer', but was pipped at the post by an older boy. His first taste of how life isn't fair!

All the children were given a book as a Christmas present too. What a lovely thing for the library to do. Presley knew that he had been given a present and asked if he could unwrap it. I had to say yes as we've no tree to put it under. Perhaps he does get Christmas after all.

Right, that's enough bah humbug from me. Where's my Christmas CD? It's at times like this I need Boney M to put me on the right path.

Ho ho ho & that!


  1. In a couple of years and they'll be overbrimming with excitement by now! Might be best to enjoy something low-key this year as you've got years ahead of hyper-Christmases! Hope you all enjoy it x

  2. Sandy, we have a tiny tree that we pop on a sideboard, we only used to put that up when the boys were the same age as yours. Relax and Christmas feeling will come. I have just been in tears at MaxiMads Nativity and have mini's on Friday. I dare you not to feel all christmassy with 70 children either with tinsel on their hair as angels or tea towels for the shepherds

  3. Make the most of it now cos in a few years it'll be all about filling your tree with the gaudiest decorations they can find And the presents which'll undoubtedly be very big and very expensive.

  4. I think you should put a little tree on a sideboard anyway. The boys will love looking at it. And it will get you in the spirit.

  5. I'm desperate to feel a bit Christmassy - just wrote a post about why I'm finding it difficult not being in an area which celebrates Christmas!

  6. Emily, you know I think you've hit the nail on the head. If the boys knew it was Christmas I would be excited with them. x

    The Mad House, the little tree on the sideboard is a good idea. I think that would be a good compromise. Oh I can't wait for the boys' first nativity play! You brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it :-)

    Glowstars, but I've already got my own collection of gaudy decorations! Yes, this year the presents are very cheap!

    Mwa, you're right, I will! :-)

    Fraught Mummy, off to read your post now. I can send you a photo of our neighbour's light show so you can see what you're missing. It really is quite horrible!

  7. I am sure the boys will soon pick up on the excitement going on around them and guess that something is happening. Then you might feel better. Give it a couple of years and they'll be driving you mad with excitement!

  8. Know what you mean about the kids being too young for Christmas trees, 3yo had the joy of his 1st Christmas tree this year. We thought he was old enough to not tear it down on an hourly basis. He loves it, and it has made me feel more Christmassy! It'll come to you - fret ye not! Ho Ho Ho, and Happy Christmas!

  9. I'm such a bah humbug as well. I'm really not into Christmas at all, but the children are starting to get excited so I need to curb my non-enthusiasm somewhat. I just always eat too much, drink too much, have too much washing up to do, spend too much, etc, etc. There. Does that make you feel any better? You're not the only one! xx

  10. Rosie, I've put some decorations up now and I'm feeling better. I can't wait for the boys to get really excited! x

    Online Mum, Happy Christmas to you too. A few decorations have helped. My MIL can't understand why we're not having a proper tree, but I know my boys and it wouldn't stand a chance! x

    Maternal Tales, aw thank you for sympathising. I'm feeling a bit better now and looking forward to when the boys are older. x
